SenderAI - SMTP Creation
Easily create and manage SMTP servers with SenderAI. Automate email setup, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC configurations, and integrate seamlessly with Cloudflare.
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Easily create and manage SMTP servers with SenderAI. Automate email setup, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC configurations, and integrate seamlessly with Cloudflare.
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SenderAI is a comprehensive feature designed to streamline the process of creating and managing SMTP servers.
With SenderAI, you can instantly configure SMTP settings, manage DNS entries, set up reverse DNS (rDNS), and integrate with Cloudflare for efficient DNS management.
This guide provides a step-by-step explanation of each feature, including error handling and configuration best practices.
After setting up your account, you can begin the process of creating your new SMTP server using SenderAI.
To begin setting up a new SMTP server:
Access the "Create new SMTP server" Section:
Navigate to the SenderAI dashboard and select the "Create SMTP" button to open the new SMTP configuration page.
Required Fields for SMTP Setup:
Name: Enter a unique name for your SMTP server to help distinguish it in the server list.
Hostname (or IP Address): Input the IP address or hostname of the server. This is mandatory for the server to establish a connection.
Port: The port field typically defaults to 22, which is used for SSH access. Adjust it if your server uses a different port for SSH.
Username: Provide the SSH username needed to log into your server. For instance, "ubuntu" is commonly used on Ubuntu servers.
Password (or Upload SSH Key): Choose between entering the password directly or uploading an SSH key for secure authentication. Uploading an SSH key is recommended for enhanced security.
Adding Multiple IPs:
Use the "Add row" button to add multiple IP addresses if you want to associate several IPs with a single SMTP configuration. Each IP can be mapped to a specific domain, which is helpful for IP rotation setups.
Bulk Import of IPs and Domains:
Click the "Import" button to upload a file containing a list of IP addresses and corresponding domains. This option is efficient for large-scale setups where multiple IPs and domains need to be configured simultaneously.
Saving the Configuration:
Once you’ve completed all fields, click "Save & configure" to save the SMTP server setup. This will initiate the configuration process.
It is highly recommended to use Ubuntu 22 - OS when creating an SMTP server with SenderAI. This OS version ensures seamless integration and reduces the risk of configuration errors. Please ensure your server is running Ubuntu 22 to take full advantage of SenderAI’s features.
After creating an SMTP server, it will appear in the "Servers list" section:
Servers List Overview:
The "Servers list" page displays a summary of all your configured SMTP servers, including details such as:
Name: The custom name of the server.
IP Counts: The number of IP addresses associated with each server.
Status: Indicates the configuration status (e.g., "Configuration completed" or error status if any issue occurs).
The green banner displays "Recommended OS: Ubuntu 22" as a suggestion for optimal performance. Using Ubuntu 22 ensures compatibility and stability with the SenderAI feature.
Options Menu:
The Options column includes a gear icon for each server, allowing you to view and update settings or delete the configuration if necessary.
Refreshing the Server List:
Click the "Refresh" button to update the list and display the latest server configurations. This is useful if you’ve recently added or modified servers.
To manage DNS and rDNS configurations seamlessly, SenderAI requires Cloudflare API integration:
Setting Up Cloudflare API Keys:
Navigate to the Cloudflare Keys section within the SenderAI dashboard.
Enter your Cloudflare API Key and Cloudflare Email to allow SenderAI access to manage DNS entries directly through Cloudflare.
These keys are necessary for setting up DNS, which help improve email deliverability and authentication (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC).
Saving Cloudflare Settings:
After filling in the API Key and email fields, click "Save Changes" to activate the integration.
This integration enables SenderAI to handle DNS record updates automatically, which is crucial for large-scale email campaigns requiring multiple IPs and domains.
Once the SMTP server is configured, return to the Servers list to check its status:
Configuration Status:
Each server entry shows its current configuration status under the Status column.
A "Configuration completed" status confirms that the SMTP server and all associated DNS/rDNS settings have been successfully set up.
If the configuration fails, an error message will appear, helping you identify issues for troubleshooting.
If you need to update an existing SMTP server configuration, follow these steps:
Modifying Server Information:
Select the server from the Servers list and click the gear icon to access the Update Server page.
You can edit the Name, Username, and Password fields as necessary.
DNS and rDNS Management:
The Update Server page provides a detailed view of each IP associated with the SMTP server, including:
Domain: The domain assigned to the IP address.
Nameserver: The nameservers currently managing the domain’s DNS settings, typically Cloudflare’s nameservers.
DNS: Indicates if the DNS records have been successfully added.
rDNS: Shows the reverse DNS entries, crucial for email deliverability as it helps authenticate the server’s identity to recipient servers.
Applying Updates:
After making the necessary changes, click "Update & Configure" to save the settings. This will refresh the server’s configuration with the updated details.
SenderAI includes built-in error validation to help identify incorrect configurations:
Username and Password Validation:
If incorrect credentials (the Username or Password is incorrect) are entered during SMTP setup, SenderAI will display an error prompt.
In the Servers list, servers with authentication issues will display a status of "Failed to authenticate with username and password" highlighted in red. This visual cue assists in quickly locating and troubleshooting configuration errors.
Hostname (or IP address) and Port Validation:
If an incorrect hostname or port number is entered during SMTP setup, SenderAI will display an error prompt.
In the Servers list, servers with authentication issues will display a status of "Please check IP or Port or both" highlighted in red. This visual cue assists in quickly locating and troubleshooting configuration errors.
SenderAI’s SMTP creation feature streamlines the entire process of setting up and managing SMTP servers, DNS, and rDNS configurations. With Cloudflare integration and intuitive error validation, SenderAI allows users to efficiently handle large-scale SMTP setups, ensuring high deliverability and improved server management. By following this guide, you can take full advantage of SenderAI's capabilities for a smooth and effective email delivery solution.