Search Contacts
Quickly find specific subscribers in your contact lists with our advanced search features. Learn how to filter and search contacts to streamline list management.
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Quickly find specific subscribers in your contact lists with our advanced search features. Learn how to filter and search contacts to streamline list management.
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The Search feature allows you to quickly locate specific contacts or filter your contact lists based on various criteria.
To search for a specific email address or contact in your list, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Contacts:
Start by going to the Contacts section in your dashboard. This is where you can manage all your contact lists.
Click on the "All Subscribers" Button:
Once you're in the Contacts section, click on the All Subscribers button. This will display a list of subscribers across all your contact lists. It allows you to view and manage all subscribers in one place, regardless of which list they belong to.
Use the Email Search Box:
In the displayed list, locate the Email column. Under this column, you will find a search box where you can type in the email address you're looking for.
Enter the email address (or part of it) into the search box, and the system will filter the results to show any matching email addresses from all your lists.
View the Results:
The filtered list will display all matching subscribers based on the email you entered. You can see other details such as their subscription status, the list they belong to, and the date they were added.
For more refined searches, you can use the Advanced Search Filters. This allows you to filter contacts based on a range of criteria such as subscription status, list name, and more. Here's how to use it:
If you need to export just the email addresses without other contact information, you can use the Advanced Export option. This is helpful when you want to focus only on the email field for specific uses, like adding these addresses to another list.
Steps for advanced export (email only):
Confirm and download the CSV file.
This method provides a leaner export, focusing only on the email addresses from your list.
Lists: This allows you to select a specific list (or multiple lists) from which you want to view contacts. You can narrow down your results by selecting one or more contact lists.
Statuses: Use this option to choose the status of the contacts you want to view. For example:
Confirmed: Active subscribers who confirmed their email and will receive emails.
Unconfirmed: Subscribers who haven't confirmed their email, so they won't receive emails yet.
Unsubscribed: Opted-out subscribers who won't receive further emails.
Unapproved: Subscribers awaiting manual or automatic approval.
Blacklisted: Contacts marked as hard bounces (or added in the blacklist manually), won't receive emails.
Disabled: Deactivated subscribers, won't receive emails.
Moved: Subscribers transferred to another list but still in the database.
Sources: This option lets you filter contacts based on how they were added, such as through API integrations, manual imports, or web form submissions. Select all in case of any confusion.
Unique: This allows you to choose whether to show only unique contacts or all contacts.
Action: Set the action to View to display the contacts that match your filter criteria.
Email: You can enter an email address or part of an email to search for specific subscribers directly.
Unique ID: Enter the unique identifier of a contact if you're searching for a particular subscriber by their system-generated ID.
IP Address: Search for subscribers based on their IP address, which can be useful for tracking the geographical origin of sign-ups.
Date Added Start and Date Added End: These fields allow you to filter contacts based on when they were added to your list. You can specify a date range to view only those contacts added within that period.
Campaigns Action: This allows you to filter contacts based on actions taken during a specific campaign, such as opened emails, clicked links, or other engagement metrics.
Campaigns: Use this to filter contacts by specific campaigns they were involved in.
In the last [days]: Filter contacts based on their activity within the last specified number of days. This is useful for finding recent subscribers or contacts who have interacted with recent campaigns.
Once you have selected all the necessary criteria for your search, click the Submit button. The system will display all contacts that match your chosen filters, allowing you to view and manage them directly.
Go to the Contacts section and click on "All subscribers" button.
Click on the Filters button , select your desired list (or multiple lists), choose the Status such as Confirmed (for active contacts), Unsubscribes, or Hard Bounces (or multiple choices), choose Action as Export, and then click Submit.